Liposomal Glutathione Antioxidant Complex
Glutathione is known as the body's 'Master Antioxidant.' It protects us from environmental toxins, it's powerful in anti-aging by 'cleaning' waste products from cells as we rest - keeping them functioning, and is critical in maintaining youthful skin. Humans produce glutathione (called GSH) naturally, but progressively less as we age. Regular supplementation of Glutathione is difficult because it breaks down during digestion, until now: Liposomal Glutathione is the most potent supplementation form of Glutathione that you can take orally. Regular supplement capsules and liquids have a limit of bioavailability because of the amount that can pass the digestive system. With Lipo Naturals liposomal technology, you can achieve much higher blood levels of GSH. We also combine GSH with vitamin C, as this increases the effectiveness of GSH in the blood.
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